informed culture

In an informed culture managers and employees communicate openly. People inform each other, share knowledge and experience and are open about their doubts, questions or problems. Mistakes are not covered up, but discussed with each other without assigning blame, keeping in mind what can be learned for future situations. 


An informed culture can be observed in what organisations actually do. Culture is less about what you say  you do - more about what you do. An informed culture is evident in behaviour and observable.


Behaviour is less about intentions or goals and more about the context of behaviour. In an informed culture, barriers and constraints to learning are identified and removed. A lot of learning is done on the workfloor - precisely because it is this context which governs and determines behaviour.


An informed culture values both anticipation and resilience but emphasises the fact that you are never completely in control. The culture is built on responsiveness and early identification of suprises and unexpected events. Being informed means to know about what happens in the here and now. In real-time. As quickly as possible. 

Seek out things that are wrong

Mistakes and "errors" are embraced as opportunities for learning. Reporting flaws in design or operation are rewarded. The informed culture is not a calculation of interests but something you hardly think about. It comes natural and its purpose is not questioned. The first impulse is to think what you can do to fix the situation, not to externalise the problem.